5 Things You Should Know Before Converting Dry Food to Barf Food for Your Pet

Palo (Nong Phalo)

Palo (Nong Phalo)

dog cat eat food pet food barf Barf Food


One of the most popular and talked about forms of animal feed among people with pets is Barf food or fresh food is specially formulated to suit the needs of the pet's body in each breed and age. With its fresh food model, it can cause anxiety for many animal breeders. Therefore, before switching from kibble to barf food for pets, you should know the following 5 things. 

Table of Contents

1. Food Infection
Pet Barf Animal Feed Barf Food dog

The infection inside fresh food It is considered one of the worries of many animal breeders. There is even a risk of infection within many types of food of the barf. But it is also difficult to answer because if the food is processed correctly. None of this will happen. Therefore, it is important to look at the process of doing it. In addition, it is better to consult a veterinarian before changing food for a pet. In order to be advised on the amount of barf food, it is necessary to weigh and study the breeds of both dogs and cats in order to get the most nutrients correctly. 

2. Starting to eat barf

For those who are changing their pet's diet to barf diet, there should be a gradual adjustment method within 1-2 weeks , with the introduction of adjustment in pets aged 1 year and older. Use the method of mixing barf food with ready-made food. Start by mixing ready-made food. 75% per 15% barf, then reduced the finished meal to 50% and the barf food 50% with a gradual reduction. This has resulted in 25% ready-to-eat food, 75% barf food, and 100% full barf food during the 1st-2nd  week onwards. To normalize the digestive system and body of the pet. Perfect readiness 

3. Value food barf
Barf Food Pet Food

The value        of the barf diet is provided both in terms of stronger bones and teeth. Develop strong muscles Good weight control, helps strengthen the joints inside the pet's body, reduces skin allergies. The digestive system is getting better and better, stimulating the immune system to be effective, as well as helping to prevent various diseases and make life longer.

4. Animal Health Matters
Pet Barf Animal Feed Barf Food dog

          Barf food can affect the health of pets, so it is best to consult a veterinarian for a blood test and an overall health check-up before feeding. It reduces the risk of infection by choosing only quality Barf food brands and should have a fast delivery method. Choose a transport with a standard freezer. To not spoil food easily and not to be contaminated with any infections.  

5. Why should pets eat barf?
Barf,Barf Food,Pet Food

When it comes to the instincts of animals, according to tradition. It is evident that almost all types of animals can eat almost all raw food without any harm to their health because their bodies are different from humans. Fresh food has become a source of nutrition that provides enzymes, good bacteria, antioxidants, and nutrients necessary for energy generation, making it a clear answer to why pets should eat at least one barf meal a day.  

If you want to order Barf food from a trusted brand, we can order Barf food from a trusted brand. We recommend buying barf food with MAKESEND, a courier that focuses on delivering all types of fresh food . We offer a full range of fruit and parcel delivery services with various documents, providing speed with morning to evening delivery. Every product will reach you safely and use without any problems.

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