For durian garden owners or durian vendors who are confident in the quality of their products and want to sell durian online.
To get a good price. No more price pressures from middlemen and want consumers to taste the best quality fruits. fresh
Who gets durian from the garden or who doesn't want to stand the heat standing in line for durian vendors? And get the meat you want, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, so you can enjoy the whole family and get full pride.
All right. Want to know how to peel and store durian? Anyway, let's see.
How to choose durian
- Observe the durian leech (the joint of the pole on the stem). Durian that is very old, leech mouth will swell. The marks are clearly visible. If you have a durian as a baby and are not sure when to unwrap it, you can also observe the leech mouth. If the leech mouth starts to split, it means it's starting to eat. The more separated, the more ripe.
- Try to buy durian with stems on them, and the poles and leeches are quite far apart. If the stem falls off, it is possible that the durian ball is overcooked to the point of being a fish durian.
- Durian stems are dark, terminally hard. Holding and pestling your hand like sandpaper.
- The spines are far apart. When you squeeze your hand, you will feel that the thorns have a light spring-like bounce.
- Look at the tip of the spines. Old durian with the tip of the thorn will dry to brown, easy to break.
- The peel color must not be bright green, it must begin to turn brown, dry and oily.
- If the durian is old, when you knock, you will hear a rather airy sound because the durian meat will start to glide out of the inner shell.
- Try sniffing it, it must not smell green. The smell must be subtle, not as pungent as the fish.
- If you look at it from the outside, you can see the grooves of the pool. Clearly separate.
How to carve durian easily
- Separate the durian into pools first by observing the grooves of the pool and using a knife to cut between the grooves to penetrate the middle axis. Be careful not to touch durian meat.
- Use your hand to tear the pudurian apart.
- Notice that there is a groove in the middle of the pool. Gently. Because if you cut hard, it will hit durian meat.
- Use your hand to pull out 1 side of the shell.
- The other shell uses a knife to cut the core of the durian. In order to get the durian meat out of the peel more beautiful and easier.
- Gently pull the durian pulp out of the rest of the shell.
How to store lambed durian
- Select ripe durian at or according to customer's requirement.
- Peeled to remove durian meat.
- Choose good quality tissue paper or a large blotting paper that can wrap durian meat.
- Place the wrapped durian in a plastic box.
- Place a good quality blotting paper or tissue on top of the durian again.
- Close the box tightly.
- Delivered through fruit transport companies with temperature-controlled transportation.
How to store whole durian unwrapped
- Wait for the durian to reach the desired level of ripeness.
- Cut the durian into pools without allowing the durian meat to open.
- Put durian in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator whole. This way, durian meat will last for months. The flesh is not wet and there are no water droplets.
- Delivered through a transport company with temperature-controlled transportation.
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