#พะโล้รีวิว Mamiran Homemade Bakery Complete all delicious through over 7 hours of cooking

Palo (Nong Phalo)

Palo (Nong Phalo)



          Welcome to Bakery World Why? Because they have delicious bread. From Mamiran to introduce to friends, the cooking process is more than 7 hours, resulting in a unique and mouthwatering bread. As for why it took so long to do it and what is the point of sale of the shop, let's find out.


Table of Contents

Highlights of Mamiran
Does not contain milk, butter, eggs.

          It's confusing to hear it, because we're usually familiar with bread that contains these ingredients. There are bakeries that make bread without milk, butter, eggs, but by using other ingredients to make it, such as vegan bread that uses rice bran oil or olive oil that does not have a flavor or flavor instead of butter, or soy milk instead of milk. Some people who want to take care of their health turn to bread that does not contain milk, butter, eggs.
          Mamiran herself cares about making healthy bread. Avoid using ingredients like Milk, butter, eggs This ensures that the eater will not receive saturated fat, cholesterol. High triglycerides include a large calorie content, so you don't have to worry about eating and being afraid of getting fat. It's also good for people with food allergies or medical conditions.

The process is over 7 hours.

          With the shop not wearing Milk, butter, and eggs are ingredients in bread making, so Mamiran has a unique bread making process including selected ingredients to make the bread soft, sticky, not hardened and has a unique aroma. Delicious and useful, very satisfying for the health line.

Bread from Mamiran
bread, bakery

Mamiban 120.-
With a hand-sized loaf, it's pure bread. There are no additional ingredients, giving you the original flavor of the bread or you can enjoy it with the restaurant's jam.

bread, bakery

Mamiberry Bun 125.-
The mellow texture of the bread is a blend of dried cranberries and almond nuts.

bread, bakery

Welded orange peel bun 120.-
The bun bread with orange peel syrup from Myanmarran's home oven gives it a pleasant aroma. Combined with the texture of the bread that is very tender, I can say that it is mellow, easy to eat without scolding.

bread, bakery

Double Choban 120.-
Comes with a mixture of 100% organic cacao powder and kneaded with almond nuts stuffed with chock chips. This makes it taste delicious. Not too sweet.

Strawberry jam

Strawberry Jam / Strawberry Spread Jam (You can choose 2)
The difference of this homemade version of jam compared to other brands is that the texture of the jam is relatively thick and sticky, and the sugar is also less. Focus on the taste from real fruits, both delicious and healthy as well.

          In fact, I would like to recommend many other interesting dishes from Mamiran but the content is too long. Let's just say that they have a lot of good stuff, including bread with many recipes and flavors, and jams from many other fruits. And most importantly, the shop has delivered products through the MAKESEND service, a parcel delivery company that delivers quickly on the day to day, serving the whole of Bangkok and its vicinity.

How to order
Facebook : Mamiran
Lineoa : @mamiranbaker
Instagram : mamiran1618
Call : 085-592-9924

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