There are generally two main forms of ready-to-eat food for cats and dogs: kibble and wet food packaged or canned, which includes barf raw meat food, which is a popular choice today.
The fundamental difference is that wet food smells pleasant and contains several times more water than kibble. While dry food is stored for a long time, it is easier to store.
The question of which food is better is controversial. Each has its pros and cons , so let's see which one to choose.
What is the difference between wet and dry food?
1. The fundamental difference between wet food and dry food is moisture.
- Wet food has a moisture content between 60% and 85%.
- Dry granulated food contains moisture content from 3% to 15%.
Wet food is suitable for cats with urinary and kidney problems, allowing them to consume more water and urinate more often. The body gets enough water to help treat kidney disease and other health problems.
2. Storage aspects
- Wet food that cats and dogs don't eat all at once can be spoiled more easily. If it is not eaten completely in 5-10 minutes, it should be stored in the refrigerator so as not to spoil it.
- Dry food can be stored easier and longer.
3. Nutritional value
Standardized feed products, whether dry or wet, have excellent nutritional value. Raw materials, ingredients are of high quality, and the correct proportions will provide nutrients. Important vitamins and minerals for dogs and cats
4. Calorie energy aspects
In comparison with the same amount of food. The owner should give more wet food so that it is wet enough to meet the demand. Feeding a smaller amount of dry food, which saves a lot of money, since dry food contains 3-4 times more calories than wet food.
5. Good effect on pet's teeth
- Dry hard food helps scrub and clean teeth well, but at the same time, dry food contains starch that adheres to the teeth, causing tooth decay and plaque on the surface of the teeth.
Benefits of wet food

- Quality wet food for cats and dogs is nutritious due to its large water content. Easy to chew and swallow, its rich aroma and taste encourage the pet to have a greater appetite. It is more suitable for cats or dogs that are picky and difficult to eat wet food.
- Vegetables, fruits and other nutrients such as seaweed, milk, yogurt can be added easily, adding more nutritional value. Cats or dogs that consume little water are at risk of kidney disease, wet food should be fed to help increase the amount of water in the body.
Benefits of dry food
- There are cheap side benefits.
- Feeding is convenient and clean.
- Easy storage of dry food
- Dry dry food is high in energy, 3-4 times more calories than wet food, so it provides a small amount per meal, enough to meet the needs of cats and dogs.

Dry food is therefore a more economical alternative to wet food, which already costs more per sachet or can than dry food. however Difficult chewing can be a problem for some cats and dogs who like to play around with food.
Some have gum and tooth problems, resulting in not eating enough food to meet their needs. It is recommended to mix water, feed softer and easier to swallow.
Can wet food and dry food be mixed?

Initially, it is not recommended to mix dry and wet food together . Diarrhoea or constipation may occur in cases of pets with gastrointestinal problems. At each meal, only one or the other should be fed.
Choosing a single type of food also makes it easier to control the amount of food that suits your body's needs. In case of wet and dry food, alternating with each meal can be done without affecting the gastrointestinal tract. It is also necessary to calculate the optimal daily calorie intake.
If the pet has problems with overweight and likes to eat a lot of food per meal, it is recommended to choose wet food with lower calories because it eats 3-4 times more than dry food and still has the same calorie content.
In conclusion, standardized wet or dry feed all have the same nutritional value. Choose any model, depending on the convenience of the aquarist. Cats and dogs love to eat healthy and choose a price that is comfortable and not over their strength.
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